22 December 2023
LIOH marked the Peasants’ Day on 22 December every year with the following purposes:
- To restate December 22 as the Peasants’ Day and to reject the junta’s Farmer Day (previously the Peasant Day) that was made up for covering up the bloodshed coup and derailed the nation from federal vision.
- To honor the peasants and working peoples who had given, and who are giving their lives by resisting the oppressions and injustices.
- To pledge our commitments for ending land grabs/monopolies; defending the customary lands; fighting against unjust laws and joining the peoples’ movements towards the federal land governance.
The brief history of the Peasants’ Day
On March 2nd of 1962, amidst the multi-ethnic conference for discussion on establishing a Federal Union and amending the Constitution, Dictator General Ne Win committed the Coup d’état and started massacre to the peoples; and marked that day as the Peasants Day (the Farmers Day). Revolutionary and political allies never accept the incidence including of marking the peasant day on the date that destroyed the federal visions and killed the peoples. Instead, December 22nd, which was the historical date of the peasant revolutionary leader Sayar San (Supannaka-Galuna-Raja), was recognized as the Peasants’ Day by the democratic allies, and revolutionary allies. The Assembly of the Peasants in 2019 affirmed that December 22 is the Peasants’ Day.
[Short video on explaining the peasant day – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt4Rfrx97bI]
Messages from Allies and Revolution Leaders
1. Farmer’s Independence Force (FIF)

2. All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF)

3. Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF)
Message from Mawi, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Karenni Nationalities Defence Force
4. General Strike Committee of Nationalities (GSCN)

5. Anti-Junta Mass Movement (AJMM)

6. Progressive Muslim Youth Association (PMYA)

7. Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS)

The Peasants’ Day (2022)
LIOH’s movement in the Peasants’ Day 2022

2023 Peasants’ Day Ceremony available in audio version on Youtube. (Only in Burmese Language)