Grow Dhamma (Just) – Break Adhamma (Unjust)
Growing by Resisting – Resisting by Growing
October 16, 2023 is the World Food Day (WFD) and 987th day of Myanmar Spring Revolution. Rural based resistances sparked from Chin, Karenni and dry-zone farms is now spreading out the whole country. Many peasants and working peoples are under the fascist military’s repression including torching the homes, villages, crops and rice barns. Massive displacement means no more farm works and is leading towards food – affecting both rural and urban working people.
Food is daily need and also strategic need for the revolution. Despite the growing concerns and risks on daily basis, farmers are trying their best seeking ways to grow food, while committing and joining the peoples’ movements ending dictatorship. They deserve deep respects for their efforts and struggles.
Growing food, at the same time, needs land, water resources, seeds, and with the genuine ownership – so that the food producers can work independently and survive with dignity. Being sufficient with nutritious food is the immediate concern, envisioning a pro-people food system is a fundamental concern for the a federal democratic union, and both are the political concerns.
In this regards, Land in Our Hands (LIOH) used the event of World Food Day (WFD) to alert these thinkings together with the connections amongst food, revolution & land.
Land in Our Hands (LIOH)
16 October 2023
#LandInOurHands #LIOH

Reflection of LIOH’s movement on the World Food Day 2022 & 2023